
Why should I choose Ε.Ν.Α ?

With experience, specialized knowledge that exceeds 15 years and ongoing scientific presence, E.N.A. is the first center in Greece to undertake the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy following orthopedic operations.

What is SPML?

SPML stands for Selective Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthening and is an orthopedic procedure developed by Dr. Roy Nuzzo. During this procedure tiny superficial incisions (2-3mm) are performed on the soft tissues of the muscle fascia. Goal of the procedure is to improve joint range of motion and consequently the pattern of movement. The patient can return at home the same day and the rehabilitation program can start the following day.

Rehabilitation Program Following SPML

The goal of the rehabilitation program is to improve your child’s functional level according to GMFCS (Gross Motor Function Classification System). Here at E.N.A we use specific rehabilitation protocols customised on the specific abilities of your child. These are based on muscle strengthening, postural control and endurance training as well as flexibility.

Total program duration is 2 to 4 ώρες, 6 days per week and for a total of 2 to 8 weeks based on the needs of each child.

For further information regarding SPML you can visit the following site:

What is SDR?

SDR which stands for Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy is a specialized neurosurgical procedure performed on the lower spine. Goal of the operation is to reduce the spasticity of the muscles of the lower extremities and improve motor patterns.

Rehabilitation Program Following SDR

The rehabilitation program after SDR is very intensive and of great importance to achieve maximum results and overcome muscle weakness. It requires a lot of commitment on the part of the family and starts immediately after surgery, while the patient is still in the hospital. The recommended frequency of treatment sessions is:

  • Operation to 1 month post-surgery: 5 times per week
  • 1-6 months post-surgery: 3-5 times per week
  • 6 months post-surgery: 3 times per week

Children with cerebral palsy should be under the surveillance of a multidisciplinary team consisting of a Pediatric Neurologist, a Pediatric Orthopedic doctor and a specialized Pediatric Physiotherapist. Following the clinical examination, an assessment based on standardised tests and goal setting along with the family, the team provides information regarding appropriate options for your child.

Every child is unique, not all children with cerebral palsy will be needing some type of surgery or medication. Many children with CP maintain a good physical condition through exercise and activity.